Jessie Runge's ASL Site Evaluation Report

Evaluator Participants

1) Ryan Quinn

Evaluator #1 is Ryan Quinn, my roommates little sister. She is 11 years old and will be going into middle school next year. She is bright and mature for her age. Her perspective will help me understand what my students will be seeing. What qualifies her to help me evaluate my site is her age. Due to it being the summer, I am not in contact with any of my students or staff. I let her use my work computer. HP ProBook 350 G4 on Chrome.

2) Amanda Clark

Evaluator #2 is Amanda Clark, my friend and teacher at Elementary level. Amanda has been teaching a gifted program at a local elementary school for 5 years. She is giving me the educator perspective and is qualified to do so because of her background and experience within the St. Louis education system. She used her personal computer, an Apple Mac on Safari.

3) Vikki Runge

Evaluator #3 is Vikki Runge, my mother and a teacher. My mom has been in education for 20+ years and has been a mother for 28. Her perspective will help me understand how my student’s parents will see/use the information. She is not technologically inclined and has a difficult time navigating her IPhone. She used my work computer. HP ProBook 350 G4 on Chrome.

Summary of Evaluator's Comments

1) Ryan Quinn

Ryan, loved the front picture and instantly wanted to take ASL. She had questions about curriculum and the majority of them were, “why?” She was able to search the sites with ease and said her favorite part was the Homework Tab.

Ryan's Eval Summary
Category Average Score Comments
Credability A+ You are a great teacher!
Design A+ I really like the picture! My favorite color is blue so I like that too. Can I join your class next year?
Content A+ You have everything you need!

2) Amanda Clark

Amanda, liked the idea of the site but said it felt fake. In the schools we work EVERYTHING is done with precision and professionalism. While the site seems to be professional, it is not up to district standards.

Amanda's Eval Summary
Category Average Score Comments
Credability 30/30 Just fix the spelling mistakes and it this part looks good!
Design 35/45 I feel that the site does not fit the standards of the district. Schoololgy is the best way to display the infromation because of the design of this site. I know and understand that Jessie is new at this but feel that she is better off using a platform that has already been established to reach her goal of a classroom site.
Content 35/35 All of the reqirments were met.

3) Vikki Runge

Vikki, was supportive of having a place for parents to go check homework and wished it was around when we were kids. She felt that the curriculum could be better organized so it is easier on the eyes.

Vikki's Eval Summary
Category Average Score Comments
Credability 28/30 While my daughter is extreamly skilled and credable, her speliing has never been her strenght. She needs to fix the minor spelling errors.
Design 40/45 I think there are some small things a parent would look at, I am not too sure what the point of the boxes are at the end of the page?
Content 35/35 As a parent I liked being able to see what you were going to be teaching per unit and that I too can go online and check to make sure that my student is doing the correct homework.


1) Ryan Quinn

Evaluator #1 was to show Case #1, the student. Ryan fit the profile as a middle school student wanting to take my ASL class and using the site to gain more infmoartion. She was able to use the site to learn more about the class and what it entales.

2) Amanda Clark

Evaluator #2 was to show Case #2, the cousleor. Amanda was my hardest critic and I apprecite that. As an educator we are heald to a higher standard and must represent our distrcit and school with professionalism. While I know this site is no where near the "look" of a professional website, I do appreite her feedback.

3) Vikki Runge

Evaluator #3 was to show case #3, the parent. Vikki, not knowing a lot about technology was able to navigate through the site with ease. I feel that this was my goal for my pilot site.

Changes to the Design

1) Organization

Tables will be utilized to organize infomration to make it eaiser to read and find specificly what you are looking for within specific tabs.

2) Pictures

The main picture will be sized down.

3) Professionalism

I will not be able to make the changes to the site that Amanda recommended due to only knowing the basiscs of coding.


The usefulness of evaluation methods (observation, interviews, surveys with users-testers, experienced developer’s testing) I feel helped me hold myself accountable throughout the creation process.

This assignment helped me see others perspectives and how what I think is necessary, the desired outcome for what the consumer needs might be completely different. Conducting the evaluations also allowed me to let others help me, something I have been working on since becoming a teacher. I even reached out to the technology teacher at our school and she is going to take a look at my site.

Having an array of individuals look at the site was helpful to be able to make sure that each “type” of person that will be using my site (students, staff, parents) has their needs met.